Inspired by local industry

SIM is the city’s signage and orientation information system. It is part of the city’s infrastructure, and affects the ergonomics and convenience of the city, as well as its aesthetics and image.

Analysis, conclusions

Documentation and analysis of current solutions

Functional concept

Design concept
Concept of rules for placement of attachment, foundation

Graphic concept

Graphic elements
Icons and infographics


Placement / foundation rules

Rybnik is spatially diverse. The historic buildings of the Market Square, which is the meeting point of all transportation routes, are adjacent to the newer architecture of the city center. 
Traditional, sometimes historic buildings are adjacent to housing estates, low-rise buildings and new residential, office, industrial and warehouse buildings.

Elements of the City Information System include municipal address signs for buildings and properties, street name boards, public buildings, signposts, maps, signs and information at public transportation stops, parking lots or parks.

  1. Tablice adresowe – naścienne;
  2. Oznaczenia adresowe malowane na elewacjach;
  3. Tablice ulicowe – naścienne;
  4.  Tablice pamiątkowe, informacje o zabytkach;
  5. Tablice ulicowe i drogowskazowe wolnostojące;
  6. Tablice ulicowe i drogowskazowe na słupach;
  7. Tablice na skwerach, rondach i w parkach;
  8. Oznaczenia terenów rekreacyjnych;
  9. Oznaczenie stacji rowerów miejskich;
  10. Oznaczenia parkingów miejskich;
  11. Oznaczenia obiektów użyteczności publicznej;
  12. Informacje komercyjne – naścienne;
  13. Informacje komercyjne – dojazdowe;
  14. Przystanki – wiaty i słupki;
  15. Mapy miejskie;
  16. Witacze przy wjazdach do miasta.

Directional signs, or sign boards (distributing traffic) complement street signs on poles. They are double-sided, and can contain 2 (150 mm board height) or 3 (210 mm board height) lines of information. The boards contain: a directional arrow, the name of the place and the distance in kilometers, and – only for city parking lots and urban bicycle stations – additional icons with reduced signs.

The color scheme of the elements of the City Information System in Rybnik refers to the city’s Visual Identification System and includes white, black and light blue, supplemented by red – the prescribed color of official and school boards.

The inspiration for the city plaques came from traditional street signs made of enameled sheet metal. The enameled products were the flagship product of Huta Silesia, no longer in existence but still important to the industrial history of Rybnik.

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Design team:
Marcin Wolny, Paulina Duźniak, Julek Wierzchowski

The team from the side of the Rybnik City Hall:
Robert Cebula, Kamil Styga
Zdjęcia i wideo:
Dominika Kufieta

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